Friday 18 September 2009

Horror film trailer - Scream

This is the trailer for horror film scream. I like this trailer as it has a well known, famous actress playing a typical teenage girl.

In this clip it shows a normal looking house, and a normal evening, but a mysterious phone call, with an unknown person on the other line. Also in this clip it shows shots of police cars rushing past and glass smashing. It shows main characters in the film looking shocked.

As most horror films it is a fast moving trailer, that doesn't give us an insite to the film and keeps the audience guessing whats going to happen.

The genre of the movie is clearly visable, the voice over is a clear indicator of this as it states the facts that we need to know or to find out. The name of the movie isn't very clear at all and we don't get told the name till the very end, we get told it's a scary movie and that people are getting killed. The production values of the movie indicate that they had quite a large budget as the film has some well-known stars in it, for example; Drew barrymore. There arn't many special effects shown within the trailer but this doesn't mean that there arn't any within the film. The name of the director appears on this trailer "WEZ CRAVEN" in a white colour whereas all other words are in a blood red colour effect such as "DON'T TRY TO HIDE".

I think that the target audience for this film is older teenagers, young adults, this is because within the film, the actors are young adults, and it's when they are around college and having parties and doing what their age range do.

The music within this horror film trailer is dramatic and jumpy, to start with there is no music just voices and odd sounds of abience of the outside, but then as the voiceover begins to speak faint music begins in the background, there is alot of use of violins and chellos, to create this feeling of drama and fear.


  1. You mean "insight". It's a good point - trailers must indicate genre and central narrative components, but must with-hold how the central narrative problem is resolved, so that we want to see the film to find out.

  2. Thankyou for your comment =)
    I don't have the customise button on the top of my screen and can't seem to get it. I had the same proplem last year, can you help?


  3. You definitely should have it. Come and see me and we'll sort it out.
