Tuesday 6 October 2009

Film "The Shining"

Whether or not the narrative ideas of Vladimir Propp work in relation to 'The Shining'

With the film "The Shining" compared to Propps narrative, I didn't think that the film fit into the narrative. Within the narrative Propp mentions eight speres of action; but the film that we studied doesn't really fit into this well, there is a villain which is a mixture between a few people, i think that the false hero is the chef, this is because he is communicating telepathically with Danny and he knows that something isn't right, therefore he goes to the hotel, the viewers think that he can save Wendy and Danny against Jack but then he doesn't make it and jack gets to him. There's a helper who fits in to be Tony (the voice in Dannys mouth). In a way the princess is Wendy even though she isn't glamourous, she just tries her best to save the day, so she is also the hero as she manages to get out and run away.
Within the development of the plot, Propps structure doesn't fit completely, yet it fits within the "Preparation" stage, this is because at the start of the film, bjack leaves home to visit the hotel and with Propps narrative structure it states that a member of the family leaves home. There are a few other pieces of the film that fit in with the structure, but mainly the film doesn't fit Propps narrative structure exactly.

The villian - Jack
The Donor - THe Chef
The helper - The Chef/Tony
The princess - Wendy
The dispatcher - Grady
The hero - Wendy
The false hero - The Chef

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