Wednesday 7 October 2009

Horror & Representation

Do the characters in the horror films we have watched reinforce or challenge dominant assumptions about gender?

The Shining

Within the film "The Shining" the character Wendy (Played by Shelley Duval)takes a domesticated role in this film, by cooking meals for her son and her husband, also she has a marital role in the film, this reinforces dominant ideology. In "The Shining" Wendy has no male gaze, showing that she doesn't have a sexual role in the film. She is the subject, a victim who is the 'final girl' type, with whom the audience identifies.

There is another lady (played by Lia Beldam) within the film she takes on a male gaze, but this gaze is made shamful and complicated as she turns into an older, corpsier lady (played by Billie Gibson)but as this scene isn't very long, she doesn't take on any more roles within the film.


The film "Halloween" has a main character called Laurie strode, she is a older teenager who has taken on a domestic role within the film as she is babysitting children.

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