Wednesday 18 November 2009

Teaser Trailer - horror

This is the teaser trailer for the horror film "House of Fears". The trailer indicates that the film being advertised is a horror as before any clips there is some text on the screen, so it lets the audience guess. The trailer doesn't make it look like there was a big budget spend on the film because it looks the the whole location for the film is just at one place - a haunted house. Within the trailer there was no recognisable stars or a directors name.

The target audience for this film would have to be a horror film fanatic or someone that enjoys watching them, as it looks like a typical horror film with older teenages. The music is creepy and dramatic it has a eerie turn to it with sudden burst of loudness to it. There are screams throughout the trailer and people shouting and talking to each other but no distinct voice over.

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