Wednesday 18 November 2009

Teaser Trailer

This is the teaser trailer for Clash of the Titans. From the trailer i can see that it is an action/war film. Within the trailier it is very fast moving, but it doesn't include the name of the director within it. The budget must have been high for this film as there is alot of special effects used within the trailer. The cast of the film features some well-known faces, such as Pete Postlethwaite.
The teaser trailer is very fast moving and includes clips of fighting and violence, but also of mythical creatures including giant scorpians and large flying creatures. This could capture an audience that isn't that into war films. There is also a clip of a woman dangling from a high edge, this could be a sign of romance within, again capturing the female audience to watch this film.

Throughout the teaser trailer there is no voice over apart from an actor within the film saying "One day somebody's going to have to make a stand, one day somebody's going to say enough" this sentence is just enough for the audience to want to know what happens in the rest of the film. It's spoken by Peter Postlethwaite, as he is a well-known actor, people may link him with a series of good films. The background music for the trailer is like a soundtrack and has an electric guitar with drums playing in it, the music builds up tension within the clip and is very dramatic.

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