Wednesday 18 November 2009

Teaser Trailers

This trailer is for New Moon it is second in the Twilight saga, it is from a romance novel. The first film 'Twilight' was a supernatural film but had romance and action within it. The second film also has action and romance involved within it.

From this teaser trailer viewers can see that this film has the stars from the first film in it. Including Robert Pattinson who has become famous from the forth Harry Potter film (playing Cedric Diggory). This trailer looks like the film has gone all out with alot of well-known faces. The budget must be high as there has been so much advertisement of the film on TV and so much publicity of the actors doing many interviews. The trailer is seen to have special effects as a muscly young man transforms into a wolf. Which seems a part of the action sequence within the film.

The major aspect that will capture the target audience is the fact that it is a sequel to the first film "Twilight". The music within the trailer starts with quiet violins and symbols, with the actors voices over the top as clips from the film are shown, then the music turns dark and dramatic and the voices pace changes from this it connotes tension, that somethings going to happen, unexpected.

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